RT @UniswapFND: 🦄🦄 Calling all Uniswapers! 🦄🦄 Today we published an update to the community on what we've been up to since the gov… https://t.co/1GVGFiCIx9
RT @WilsonCusack: .@opyn_ team been shipping a steady stream of UI improvements and now have two really interesting strategies: the k… https://t.co/IUnL59xi6K
RT @opyn_: wyd this weekend? Crab & Zen Bull were busy earning.. Weekend returns: • Crab (USDC): +0.23% • Zen Bull (ETH): +0… https://t.co/tWmi0odztu
RT @opyn_: Crab and Zen Bull no longer have caps! 🚫🧢 After looking at their annualized returns since inception, why are you s… https://t.co/MkWaXxztJ6